You may have heard that Amy and I took 7 years and sailed our 38 foot sailboat around the world. Sailors call it a "Circumnavigation."
Our 38 foot Island Packet Sailboat, Estrellita, is a cutter rigged monohull manufactured in Largo Florida in 1990.
We sailed her about 40,000 nautical miles and visited almost 50 countries. We were turned back by Pirates in the Indian Ocean when fellow small boat sailors were taken and murdered by Somali Pirates. Some other highlights?
We have a slide show presentation that we have been honored to give to several boat and civic clubs including the Seven Seas Cruising Associations annual Gam in Melbourne, Florida. We would be happy to present to any size group that is interested in hearing these and other stories.

- The Longest Passage was 28 days from Ascension Island in the South Atlantic to Barbados in the Caribbean, about 3000nm
- Longest Time in Port, 7 months in Palau. About 500nm east of the Philippines.
- Favorite Stops, Palau, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand and India in about that order.
- Prettiest Anchorage in the World, Kokos Keeling Atoll, about 900nm west of Australia.
Palau is home to world famous Jellyfish Lake
- The Longest Passage was 28 days from Ascension Island in the South Atlantic to Barbados in the Caribbean, about 3000nm.
- Longest Time in Port, 7 months in Palau. About 500nm east of the Philippines.
- Favorite Stops, Palau, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand and India in about that order.
- Prettiest Anchorage in the World, Cocos Keeling Atoll, about 900nm west of Australia.
- Biggest Regret, we should have taken more time across the Federated States of Micronesia but the wind was right, sailing magnificent and we were trying to keep up with friends. We sailed right by some of the most remote atolls in the world.
- Best Beer on the Planet. Birkenhead lager, South Africa!
- Biggest Disappointment, Bora Bora was just "Fine."
- Storms at Sea? Not really.
- Big Seas? Southern Indian Ocean, day after day of 15 to 25 foot seas. 20 to 35knt winds.
- Best Part of the Trip? Its all about the people you meet.
These three gentlemen are the park rangers at Helen Reef on the edge of the Philippine Sea. They work 3 month shifts or "until the supply ship returns... if it is running."
Cocos Keeling. We just couldn't leave!
Truth is, we hardly wore foul weather gear.